How to guarantee 6 successful Forex trades in a row

Sarah recently produced over a million dollar gain on 1 account by guaranteeing 6 successful trades in a row.

Below is one of the ways this can be done:


In probability terms the odds of Sarah achieving 6 successful trades in a row is 2 to the power of 6.   That means 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 64.  This basically says that out of 64 starts 1 is likely to be result in 6 trades in a row.

“Is likely to be” is not good enough if you want to guarantee 6 successful trades in a row.

So how do you absolutely guarantee 6 in a row?

You must start your 64 trades at the same time!! ( Pending orders are good for this)


So what will happen is that you start with 64 simultaneous trades – 32 buys and 32 sells.

One batch will fail and the other will succeed. You then take the 32 successful trades and create 16 buys and 16 sells and trade them at the same time.

You carry on like that until you have the last successful trade. At that point you will have 6 successful trades in a row.
It looks like this

2nd transactions                                          SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
3rd transactions                                                           SSSSSSSS BBBBBBBB
4th Transactions                                                                    SSSS BBBB
5th Transactions                                                                         SS BB
6th Transactions                                                                            S B

The outcome of the 6th Transaction guarantees 6 in a row


If you feel cheated at this stage don’t worry because you need to take this to the next step. So if we look a Sarah’s account

Forex 1Mil account


She would start with $ 3426 x 64 = $ 219 264. One  of those would be successful $ 215 838 is the most she could ever lose !!!

But, the winning combination would give her $ 1 002 279.

A net profit of $ $1 002 279- $ 215 838 = $ 786 441 – This is good money in anybody’s books.

For those who cannot who get confused by big numbers just divide everything by 100. It cost her $ 2192 to make $ 10, 057. A profit of $7 864.


If the above is too complicated there is another way of achieving this result.

The other alternative is to start with only 2 transactions.

sarahs gains

  1. $ 109 632 in a Buy and S 109 632 in a sell. The gains would be $ 109 632 x 165% (the growth in Sarah’s account above) = $180 892. The capital for the next round would be $ 290 524.
  2. One would lose so the next level would be $ 145 262 in a buy and $ 145 262 ($290 524 divided by 2). The gains would be $ 145 262 x 169% (the growth in Sarah’s account above) = $245 492. The capital for the next round would be $ 390 754
  3. One would lose so the next level would be $ 195 377 in a buy and $ 195 377 ($390 754 divided by 2). The gains would be $ 195 377 x 168% (the growth in Sarah’s account above) = $328 233. The capital for the next round would be $ 523610
  4. One would lose so the next level would be $ 261805 in a buy and $ 261805 ($523 610 divided by 2). The gains would be $ 261 805 x 155% (the growth in Sarah’s account above) = $405 797. The capital for the next round would be $ 667 602
  5. One would lose so the next level would be $ 331 801 in a buy and $ 331 801 ($667 602 divided by 2). The gains would be $ 331 801 x 161% (the growth in Sarah’s account above) = $534 199. The capital for the next round would be $ 866 000.
  6. One would lose so the next level would be $ 433 000 in a buy and $ 433 000 ($866 000 divided by 2). The gains would be $ 433 000 x 131% (the growth in Sarah’s account above) = $567230. The capital would now be $ 1 000 230  You can stop now.

Slightly better result s the loss was only the initial $ 109 632.

You have made $1 million and you have 6 successful trades in a row that helped you do it.


Now a lot of people will say this is too complicated or it will not work or it is too much hard work etc. I must remind them that $786 441 is a lot of money – it is only by doing things that other people don’t want to do or find too difficult that exceptional gains are made. Sarah could obviously not do something like this on her own but it is amazing what you can achieve with a “little help from your friends”.

Now this is not easy and there is a lot of detail that has to be mastered to make it bulletproof and 100% guaranteed. This can take a few months to plan and implement. We will deal with some of the major elements in this series but as this is free series it is only fair that so elements will depend of your own self-discovery by following clues and reading between the lines.

Remember this is only one of the ways of guaranteeing 6 successful trades in a row.


Hope you are finding this interesting. We will discuss appropriate broker accounts, how to implement aspects of this approach, how to deal with large lot sizes, how to produce returns larger than your risks etc. in future articles.