DIAD Trades for the week ended 8 November


This weeks DIAD Results 

This week was a fantastic week for Double in a Day Trading

  • Every currency and every strategy recorded winners during this week
  • The were no less than 89 Double in a Day trades recorded
  • The EURJPY and the GBPJPY produced almost 50% of the winning trades on their own
  • There were 184 break-even DIAD trades recorded

Youtube videos

Besides the 28 video course available on Udemy at https://www.udemy.com/learn-how-to-double-your-forex-trading-account-in-one-trade/

there are also 24 videos produced about the DIAD Technique. You can view these videos using this link


Trading accounts and strategies used

 Please note:  This information is supplied for educational purposes to show existing DIAD details of existing successful trades and to try to identify techniques to find these entries. This is a FREE support service for existing DIAD EA users. The information is a guide as to which strategies work best and which currencies give the best results.  It also will tell existing users which strategies and currencies to avoid.

The complete trading accounts showing all winning, break-even and losing trades taken is available for inspection on this link :-


Recent Email received

…….I’m just writing to say hi and THANK YOU for all of the training you’ve made available. I have been teaching myself to trade for years ……..I’ve been trying to devote some serious time and attention to trading and the light bulb finally went on. I’m so happy. The other night I set up a DIAD trade before I went to sleep and I’m the morning I woke up and it had DOUBLED!! My $ x xxx  real money account doubled to $xx xxx.  I have not been so excited and overjoyed about something in a really long time.  I actually get it. I’ve learned how to do it. I have wanted to become a professional trader for at least 10 years and now it really feels like it is possible. I feel really hopeful. I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your efforts to help people like me learn to trade.

Result summaries


DIAD Trades for the week ended 8 November

